Friday, November 20, 2009

Le Sigh...

I always hate when Mike's gone well down in L-Town drinking without me...because the truth is if one of our friends got in a fight he would be the one to actually fight for them and that worries me...whereas when I'm there if something stupid happens I let them deal with it and have Mr. B sit back like he should.

But it's not like he'll get in much trouble down there anyways.

But what is transpiring with Uncle Kevin I just don't know and geez it could get really ugly. I don't like everyone judging when they don't know the situation though because it's not their situation to judge and that's one of the reasons why I'm soooo grateful we moved from L-Town.

They all want to live in that drama filled world and talk about each other behind everyones backs, and fight, and sleep with each others spouses, and the drugs and's just not something I wanted to be a part of and there are some friends that I miss terribly who don't involve themselves in that crap but we're such a small group that you're bound to get involved even when you don't want to.

So anyways I'm a judgey person when it's just Mr. B and I around but nothing serious...when it's serious stuff I've always said "Don't judge someone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes"

which is so true especially if you don't know the back story and these people want to THINK they know a tid bit and run with it which drives me insane.

and that's really why we don't have many friends because we've surrounded ourselves with true people who would be there no matter what...unfortunately for us they all live about an 45minutes to an hour all different directions haha but when we do get to spend time with them it just makes it so much better!

Well I'm off to fall asleep to the Golden Girls haha

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