Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A reflection...

So in light of some things that have happened (that really had nothing to do with me) I started thinking...did I say the right thing? Did I stand up for what I believe and others believe in? Do I give into bullies?

Well yes, yes, and yes.

I tend to try and be neutral...who me? Haha yes well in some cases I do. I try and do both sides and sometimes I just get angry with the way people think...and it's the complete opposite sometimes of what the crowd thinks.

I don't know you live life and nobody can judge you since they haven't walked in your shoes but sometimes it's so blatantly obvious that you weren't thinking and did something stupid so why can't you be called out for it...regardless if you're happy or not.

Sometimes I'm a royal bitch and I know Mike wants to strangle me. Sometimes it may appear I'm all happy and perfect and Mike calls me out on it...never in front of people but he's right even if I've made it appear to be he wouldn't in front of people.

I think this world needs to be more honest because that's what's wrong these days. Everyone wants to tip toe around and blow sunshine and rainbows up every one's asses...well guess what?! That doesn't make it better and it makes you a hypocrite because you know damn well you're sitting there looking them in the eyes, or sitting at that computer, or on that phone thinking "what a dip shit" so why not say it.

I finally stood up to a friend who was making some really stupid life altering decisions and she decided she didn't want me around because her "new" friends all blew the sunshine and rainbows up her ass and guess what...she got burned again and again and again.

And then she wised up and now that she's making good decisions she wants to be buddy buddy again.

Not my problem.

So no it's not my problem that I speak freely (and I do take feelings into consideration) but for one second if you really think these people are your friends....well you're dead wrong.

I digress....