Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Well yesterday I also managed to go pre-register. The lady was like kind of early??? I was thinking well I'm 33.5 weeks and they require you do pre-register at 35 weeks but technically this week was my 34 week appointment and I won't be in until closer to 36 weeks for that appointment so umm I'd rather do it before than later and me go into labor early and have to deal with all of the paperwork.

So I am set ...the only bad thing is if I go in and they say no false labor I have to re-sign the paperwork boo. But I hopefully don't anticipate that. And I can just call a number ahead of time and they get my room and everything ready (once they check me out to know I am in deed in labor).

And I registered to donate our cord blood. It's a great program to bank it privately but the expense just doesn't make sense especially if never use it and if some other child could use it well then that would be fantastic. And she said that we can withdrawal at any time (like even 10 years from now...though I don't know why we would want to) and she said something about if after a certain time it's still available and Ava or a family member needs it they can get on a list to try and get it which I thought was cool.

So glad that I'm done with all the hospital mumbo jumbo.

Just took a look at my To Do's on my 33 week update.
I have bought the storage cabinet for the bathroom and last night Mr. B and I put it together...that was fun! haha and tonight I'll fill er up.
I have cleared out some cabinet space for all of Ava's stuff but that's a work in progress because I need more room.
So all I need to do now is clear off the hutch, vacuum my car out, and install the car seat which the last two will be done on Sunday.

Glad things are getting done!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My big baby girl...

Today was my 34 week appointment (even though I'm 33wk and 3 days) and I finally got to see my doctor back from her leave after 14 weeks. And I had to wait an hour even though my appointment was for 8:20...that's the one thing that I don't like however I love how she's blunt and laid back so I'll deal. Just a few more weeks right?!

Well she gave me the side eye for gaining 35lbs already. Listen I've been complaining about this everywhere and the whole thing is I'm not overeating and I don't indulge...the biggest indulgence I have is fries and ketchup and I try to keep that to 3 times a week. But otherwise I'm getting my fruits, veggies, dairy, and good carbs in and I'm drinking a crap ton of water. I'm sure more then some pregnant women.

When I told her all this then she said ..."then don't worry about it...I do not want you feeling like you need to diet and watch what you eat"

And I really only gained rapidly from month 5 to month 6 and after that I have been on point so I blame that one month which was like 8lbs. Because if I didn't then I'd be at like 28-30lb gain which would be better.

Anyways she measures my belly (last night I measured it and I got 35.5 weeks but didn't know if I was doing it right)...she then looked at the chart and remeasured and said that I was measuring big.

She wanted me to get an ultrasound which honestly I was pretty excited about being I wanted to know how much Ava was weighing.

She asked about contractions etc and then I said so my checklist says to ask you about pre-term labor and she was like we just talked about it haha and that's why I like her...she's no fuss and laid back because honestly what do you talk about? I'm not having more then 4 contractions and hour so she's not concerned.

So they had to fit me in for the ultrasound so that took a bit but I finally got in and it was good seeing Ava!

She weighs a whopping 5lbs 9oz folks that's over 5.5lbs already and measuring big per the ultrasound tech. She then tells me that I have a lot of fluid and I ask her and she says that the doctor will explain that...that's never good ugh.

So I go back and they give her the results and then she just has me meet her in the hallway and she says yes I do have more fluid but she'd rather me have more then too little but we want to monitor it so I'll be getting weekly ultrasounds I'm nervous because I googled it what an idiot.

The U/S tech asked if I had my gestational test and I told her yes I passed because generally you have more fluid if you have GD and then it could be congestion or ingestion where she's not swallowing but I know she's doing that because I saw it first hand at the 3D/4D and even on the 2D today she was opening and closing her mouth.

But since my doc didn't seemed too too worried I won't right now. I am happy to see Ava every week though especially to see how much she's gaining and that might give us a better understanding if we'll have to induce or just wait it out.

Mr. B was born 6 weeks early exactly at 5lbs. I am 33weeks and 3 days and Ava is 5lbs 9oz haha so I am happy to know that she is bigger then her daddy and earlier. But too early to come! I need her lungs to develop more.

And she's head down folks so that's good to know. Hopefully she stays that way :)

Well I'm not going to worry about it. The U/S tech gave me a lot of frontal pictures so it's hard to see but I took one with my phone to show you how chubby her cheeks are! I can't wait to kiss on them!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ok so...

I seriously overestimated my body to be this amazing pregnant woman body and that's not true at all.

Saturday was the LSU game and since I knew the week before I was out there tailgating for 8 hours before the game was to start (I ended up leaving because I couldn't do it) I wanted to make the game. The game happened to be even later at 8p instead of 7p.

So I got out there at like 1:15-1:30. Well it was packed so I had to park a not so far ways away if I weren't pregnant but definitely further away as a pregnant chick.

So then I just sit and lounge for the next 5ish hours and Mr. B and I head to the game which is a good walk in and of itself. Then I have to walk up 4 of them haha. Then I have to walk up 13 rows of steps. But we make it and I'm good. I do go to the bathroom about 4 times but hey the stairs were exercise.

Then we leave and I have to walk and climb up some stairs...I took a break haha....and about the 3rd qtr I looked at my feet specifically my left and my entire foot and ankle were swollen like I had broke the darn thing.

So we get back to our spot and I prop my feet up while we wait for traffic to die down. We get home and I immediately put lots of pillows in our bed but do you know how hard it is to properly prop your feet up on your side because I can't sleep on my back...

But when I woke up my feet/ankles were back to normal yippee!!!!

But when I got up o.m.g y'all it felt like someone had my hips in a vice grip, and the right hip hurt worse (doesn't surprise me) and my right quad hurt (again doesn't surprise me).

All day I hurt. And today I still hurt a little.

Next week the game is at 2:30 which makes me happy and I'll have to be out there for 8 but this time since we're driving together I'll be able to get a spot right by our tailgate so it won't be so bad. Then I'm done folks.

Anyways I headed off to BB&B today because we need extra storage in our guest bathroom to make room for Ava's stuff. I lifted the damn box into my cart at the wrong angle and immediately felt my stomach hurt haha but I managed...and then the lady asked if I wanted someone to help me out to my car but I said no and was smart enough to do it differently when sliding it into the trunk. Mr. B will definitely be getting that thing out!

Here's a picture

So I'll transfer all the guest towels to this and find some cute stuff to put in the shelves and then Ava can have the wider cabinet under the sink since we'll have more then just towels for her.


Friday, September 24, 2010

33 Week Pic

Sorry I took it with my phone in the bathroom (classy right?!) and it's grainy...and hello definitely put on some weight in my face haha

Weekly Update: Week 33

I'm going with Jin's style because I think it's easier to read!

82.5% through pregnancy, 46.2% through 3rd tri. 50 days until due date, 29 days until full term. 7 weeks of work left (If I go to the end)

How big is baby?
Let’s see. If we’re gaining 8 ounces a week I'm guessing here but since I saw rolls a few weeks ago I'm going with she's either right below or right at 5lbs now.

Weight gain/loss?

Up 35lbs as of last doctors visit so I'm going with 36 this week (let's hope)

None...I'm knocking on wood. Very lucky. The boobs have started to mesh with my regular color skin whoot!

I’m sleeping through the night (minus the pee breaks every hour past midnight) but it’s not restful sleep

Best Moment?
Getting Ava's baby book in and filling it out to when she arrives :)

Serious rolling. Every time I think she's flipped to head down then I feel to hard spots in a different position and I never know. Her hick up's are super intense now hah

Food Cravings?
Nothing out of the ordinary

Labor Signs?
Having Braxton Hicks and they are getting much more severe

What I’m looking forward to next week?
Finally seeing my real doctor for my 34 week appointment. I haven't seen her since Week 20 since she was on leave herself and then getting acclimated. I'll be very interested to see how she reacts to my size haha

Weekly Wisdom?
Take it easy and put your feet up. When the baby comes all you should worry about doing is sleeping, and feeding Ava (my wonderful mother in law is going to be an awesome help)

For the sake of my marriage I am so happy I have evened out haha

This Week:
Nursery is finished as far as everything needed. I just need to clear off the Hutch and make it look pretty. Both Ava and my bags are packed and in her room just hanging out waiting patiently :) I'm going to be clearing out a cabinet in our kitchen for all of her bottles and the sanitizer. We're also buying an additional storage unit for the bathroom so that we have a place to put Ava's bajillin things :) Vacuuming my car out and cleaning out my trunk to get prepared for installing the car seat and putting the stroller in the trunk. I think that's enough for one week don't you?!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Ok yah so it says 51 days until my due date but holy crap I just did the calculations and only 30 until October 23rd which is considered Full Term and that happens to be Mr. B's bday so he kind of is secretly hoping she goes then.

30 Days....what???????????

Now that makes it very real!

I actually think it would be cute for them to share a bday but want her to go a little later because that puts me back at work the Monday after New Years and I'd much rather start back up on the 10th or 17th (if she goes to the end).

As luck would have it I was complaining on FB a couple of weeks ago about being wait listed still for many Daycares despite calling and being put on the wait list months ago. Well Mr. B's cousin used to work at the one that was Mr. B's first choice (happened to be really expensive) and she said do not take your child there and she actually quit.
Well she was chatting and it came about that her little brother who's about 16 his girlfriend works at a daycare in my area on the way to work in the afternoons and she thought they had spots open for infants and it was 150 a week (which is what we were prepared to spend)

I just called and she said that one lady is ahead of me and she's due in October so she'll need to start right at the beginning of January but they have one spot open so that will go to her and a baby graduates to the 1 year old room in January so that could be my spot.

She said it was looking very very hopeful and promising that I would get in when I need it and she put me on the wait list.
She really wants me to stop by which of course I would definitely do that before putting Ava there. I love when the places say stop in whenever because that gives me a better indicator on how Ava will be treated vs when they want us to schedule and appointment with the Director because then they'll be prepared.

She said that the 1 year old teacher is great but the infant teacher is so fantastic that parents actually get upset when their children reach 1 because they love her so much and they end up loving the 1 year old teacher too but you get used to your child being with someone for 9-10 months I can understand how it might be hard to transition over.

But now the problem is figuring out when I can just pop in because I have finally worked out a deal with my boss about staying later on days of the week when I have my doctors appointments but I always pick the earliest appointment because that ensures I actually get seen fairly close the the appointment time and can get to work faster. Very rarely does my doctor ever have an appointment later than 3 and I really need it to be 3:30 ish so I only have to stay late 2 days vs 3 days. And then if I could manage a late appointment I could have time to stop by but then I wouldn't want to stop by when everyone would be picking up their kids because I'm sure that would be stressful as well.

So who knows. But when I do go in and see if I like it I'm going to ask if I can pay the registration fee then and maybe ensure my spot. I understand them wanting money right away so if someone walked in and wanted to start tomorrow and they were making an extra 150 a week they would take that instead of waiting until January but I think it will be good. We'll see

Want to see...

What I ordered.....
Thank you to Mrs. Shoe (don't want to post her blog for everyone to read since she's local)

You can get your very own at Luckymade. That's her Etsy shop and she makes adorable crocheted items. I seriously can't wait to do a photography session with lil miss Ava in that adorable hat!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lists...Lists...and More Lists

Ok so I've been a list making fool! haha
But it's one thing to make a list and it's another to actually follow through.

My lists recently were for my hospital stay bag and Ava's as well.

Today I ran to Target to try and get some things.

I got me...
Small deodorant
Small toothbrush/toothpaste pack
Lip Balm
Small Shampoo/Conditioner
Small face wash
A nursing bra (I guessed on the size and got a 38 DD since they are 38D's now...I hear they get bigger but heck how am I to know what size they'll be?)
A nursing tank top
Some black kind of bikini briefs figuring black was best those first few days haha

I looked at PJ's but didn't want to pay that much at target for something I have at home.
I have a few pairs of black pj/yoga pants that I can bring and I'll live in those and my nursing bra most likely.

Then I can just bring some socks from home and a zip up hoodie or sweatshirt
and my other little things

I also picked out the outfit that I want Ava's pictures to be in but I'll run it by Mr. B first.
And then I have 2 outfits for her going home. One are actually PJ's but they are cute and the other the in law's got so I feel like I should have her wear it.

The baby book is finally on it's way ugh...the one I had on my registry got taken off and then it was at Kohl's but then before I could order it was discontinued poop.

So I found one on Target's site but it's being sent via usps so who really knows when I'll get it. I'd like to update some things in there before she comes but then need to make sure that goes into my bag so they can do her foot print.

Oh and I started leaking today...but just out of my right boob haha I felt something kind of cool but nothing serious. So when I went to the bathroom and checked it was there...not a lot but I was like dang I wish I would've bought some pads for the maternity bra haha

And then I happened to find a cute polka dot sheet for Ava's mattress because you need extra for sure. Right now we have the one on that came with the set, and I had bought a striped one from Target a while back and then Mr. B's cousin gave us a sheet but it doesn't go at all with the bedding and will only be used as a last resort if others are dirty so I figured one more can't hurt.

And nobody bought the other changing table cover so I wanted to have a spare for when there are accidents.

Then I got her some noonies just to have in her bag ready to go.

And then haha I wanted to get a light for her room and they had a white base lamp on clearance for like 2.50!!! The shade was 8 eh but oh well a lamp for 10.50 can't beat it right?!

Not sure where I'm going to put it but I'm going to put a low lit bulb in there so I can see what I'm doing at night.

Well Mr. B in law got the job in Texas and it looks like he'll be flying tomorrow or Wednesday to go start! Crazy! I don't know when we'll see him though because he said he's going to help with putting Ava's wall letter's up but I doubt that will happen and Mr. B and I will have to do it and then I should just do it on my own haha.

Mr. B is going out of town starting tomorrow but he'll be back Thursday...I told him he better get his traveling in this week, next, and the week after because after that I don't feel comfortable with him traveling. I'll be 35 weeks at that point and that will just be too close unless he's staying somewhere like Lake Charles which is about 2 hours away from the hospital.

I didn't sleep well at all last night! My back was killing me ugh...and of course the Saints game doesn't start until 7:30 tonight so I'll most likely not make it through the whole thing unfortunately. oh well

I'm running to get Hooters for us....I always think it's funny being pregnant beboping into Hooters...hey at least these big bad boys are real...doubt the men would want leaky big boobs but hey you never know haha

Friday, September 17, 2010


This flu thing that I have sucks...
I never like to puke, or poop well when I mean poop I mean gross all the time poop (told you I'd be honest on here) but honestly being pregnant and sick is the worst!

You have to eat because you have a baby to take care of but honestly the thought of eating makes me want to puke!

And then when I do eat I poop

So I'm in a no win situation.

Water makes me feel sick too.

I went and laid on the floor in my conference two different times for 30 minutes each today and that wasn't bad but as soon as I get up I'm feeling it.

I hope I feel well enough tomorrow for the game darn it!

Weekly Update: Week 32

How far along? 32 weeks...8 Months whoot

How big is baby? about 18 inches (head to feet) and about 4 pounds

Weight gain/loss? 35 only about a lb a week which is normal...glad I've slowed

Maternity clothes? exclusively plus a swellybelly band

Stretchies? Still just the ones on my boobs thank goodness

Sleep? This week has been a freaking nightmare. I could handle peeing a lot but now I'm just uncomfortable and can't breathe

Best moment this week? Making it to 32 weeks!

Movement? oh all over ...5am this morning she would hit the left then the right...left then right...I bet it looked hilarious

Food cravings? none

Food aversions/foods that make me sick? none

Gender? Girl!

Labor signs? Some BH going on. Once a day usually I'll get an intense one that's sever cramping for a few seconds

Belly button in or out? Out for good now

What I miss? sex and walking normal

What I am looking forward to next week? Just another week closer to meeting my baby girl

Milestones? honestly I've been feeling sick the past two days so I'm not thinking of anything haha

New things this week? I got the flu like symptoms from the little girl and lady that threw my shower for me. It I really haven't eaten much. A bagel with cheese, a big orange, and some animal crackers. Water doesn't even feel good.

Weekly Wisdom? Get some comfy cloths/pj's for the hospital/when you get home since you'll live in them.

Emotions? They have evened out unless Mr. B says something stupid of course haha

Belly/Body Changes? swelling in my feet and ankles...belly continues to grow haha...hips hurt a lot

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do you...

see that up there?
Yah that's 59 days folks...59 days! Yikes! That's really not that long yet it still seems so far away. I started feeling this way at like week 28 where it has gone by super fast but at the same time stood still...I don't know it's hard to describe but another momma to be agreed with me, but she's 36.5 weeks so she's lucky she's almost there!

Oh and my In Law's are coming back tonight haha
Too bad they even had to leave on Sunday!
Mr. B in law has a job interview in Beaumont Tx tomorrow. That's about 45 minutes west of Uncle Benny and about 3 hours from us...which is much better than the 8ish that it takes to get to TN.

Meanwhile Mrs. B in law is going to wash and iron (her choice not mine) the rest of Ava's clothes that we got from them and the shower and she said she'll do anything else I need like clear out my cabinets in the kitchen haha.

I do need to make room for cabinet for Ava's stuff since she now has a cute lil Ava sippy cup her daddy got her, and she has a ton of bottles that we just got and LSU ones too haha and I'm sure before I know it she'll be getting bowls and what not. I wouldn't mind just putting her bibs in there but not sure the cabinet can hold the 52 gazillion that we have already haha

I hope Mr. B in law can help Mr. B hang Ava's wall letters on Friday because I don't trust Mr. B to do it on his own and he was going to do it on Sunday and now he's going golfing...which is fine by'll be nice to have a day to sleep in and relax especially since Saturday is the LSU game

I seriously can't breath anymore and it's annoying and getting my anxious which I know won't help the breathing situation. On the right where it has already updated and said 32 weeks it said that she maybe flipping to head down soon because right now she's lying from side to side very very high so maybe if she flips to head down that will help.

The only relief I get is if I'm sitting in my work chair and bend over sort of like when they tell you to put your head between your legs if you're hyperventilating...and clearly I can't sit like that all day...I wouldn't get any work done and folks would probably think I was nuts hah

I was just sitting here thinking what if I had Ava when I'm full term at 37 weeks...that's only 5.5 weeks that my friends seems much closer than 2 months. Mr. B would sure love that since it's his bday but I really want to make sure that I don't come back to work until after the first of the year because I get that day paid and it's an extra day with little miss thing.

I'm already getting discouraged trying to figure out who will be visiting when. Everyone wants to come at the same time and I know I just can't handle having more than one set of folks there even if they're in a hotel.
We'll see....

Monday, September 13, 2010


Ok so we got this freaking adorable pearl bracelet that I just had to show...

Sorry it's dark but the flash wouldn't show anything. Super cute!

Here are Ava's wall letters. So happy with how they turned out. Now I just need to hang them once Mr. B goes out of town haha.

Oh we're selling the Escort finally whoop! Mr. B's co-worker car crapped out so he came to look at it yesterday and went and got a fuel pump and was trying to change that thing in the dark last night at like 9....umm yah not cool but whateva's...but since the battery had been sitting for a couple of months (even though it's new) of course it was they're charging it today and tonight he's coming back to finish. I just pray it's just the fuel pump but from talking with folks who've had that issue it sounds like it's it. I mean it sat for like 2 years not being driven so it makes sense and that happened on my old probe too. Just happy to be getting money and it would be perfect timing because we'd use that money to supplement my income when I'm only being paid 60% for maternity leave.

So say a little vibe for me! hah

Couples Shower!

We had a great time! We had a ton of folks show (I think about 30ish adults and some kids) and it was just great to see all the folks come out and support Mr. B and I. I truly realized how many folks already are in love with Ava :)

I'm tired of fiddling trying to get enough space in between the pictures to talk about them.

1st- Me at 31 weeks.

2nd- We played a game where instead of just trying to guess how much toilet paper goes around me we do it for the couple. Mr. B was THRILLED let me tell you hah

3rd- Let the measuring begin!

4th- I am in love with that bunny that has it's own little blanky that says Ava Grace on stinkin cute!

5th- Mr. B partaking in the men's game of who can suck the beer out of the bottle first.

6th- The other guys.

7th- Auntie Mel and I...does my belly look huge or what?!

8th- Shannon, Me, and Mel (Shannon and her husband put the shower together and did a FANTASTIC JOB!)

9th- Shannon, Amanada, Me, and Mel. Little Miss Amanda wanted me to have her going home beanie cap for Ava...that was the sweetest thing ever!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekly Update: Week 31

How far along? 31 weeks ::deep breath:: Not sure why it hit me big time now but it's coming folks

How big is baby? 18 inches (head to feet) and 3.5 pounds

Weight gain/loss? 33 lbs..sticking to that until I get weighed next week

Maternity clothes? exclusively plus a swellybelly band

Stretchies? Still just the ones on my boobs thank goodness

Sleep? Is good until I have to pee like 5 times a night haha

Best moment this week? Seeing my baby girl in 3D! And my shower this Saturday!

Movement? oh all over and much harder

Food cravings? none

Food aversions/foods that make me sick? none

Gender? Girl!

Labor signs? Some BH going on. Once a day usually I'll get an intense one that's sever cramping for a few seconds

Belly button in or out? Out for good now

What I miss? sex and walking normal

What I am looking forward to next week? 2 months left if we go to the due date!

Milestones? 95-96% viability!!

New things this week? Severe hip pain in my right side (not surprising since I had surgery on my left knee a few years back and have used my right leg as a crutch but now that I have the weight and every thing's shifting it's really hurting)

Weekly Wisdom? Eat before you go to the hospital. It will feel like you have to poop haha

Emotions? even....just getting anxious

Belly/Body Changes? swelling in my feet and ankles...belly continues to grow haha...hips hurt a lot

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Beautiful Baby Girl...

Mr. B said that for part of my birthday gift I could get the 3D/4D Ultrasound. I was so excited even if I had to wait a month (just so I knew she'd be developed enough to make it worth our while since we had to pay out of pocket)
Our appointment was set for 4pm today but yesterday at 5pm they called to say they had to reschedule...I was bummed but we picked this morning and they upgraded us to the next level (which was getting the dvd of the 4D and we got an extra cd of 3D's)

The lady was fantastic. She is in the right profession because she goes on and on about the babies (I would love to think she just thought Ava was that adorable but I'm sure that wasn't the case...but she had me thinking that haha) but she said my Amniotic Fluid was fantastic...nice amount and really clear!

Ava loved being in front of the camera and we got so many pictures of her. We got 86 and she says normally it's half of that! She didn't smile per say but she did bouder (which is cajun french for pout) pronounced boo day tee hee

She was practicing her swallowing because she kept opening and closing her mouth which we got on the 4D..very cool. For some reason with all that technology they don't do weight which is what I wanted! Darn it!

But she had fat rolls behind her neck and knee's so she's just like her momma...
She had my feet with her 2nd toe bigger than her 1st toe haha
She has my small ears
I think she has both of our lips because we both have nice sized lips
I think she has Mr. B's nose and forehead haha

Oh and she has a ton of hair! You can't see it on the 3D but on the 2D you could see the strands and the girl was freaking out over could see it hanging off the back of her head by her neck and I told her I had a TON of hair when I was born! And the funny thing is I haven't had heartburn at all. She also said she had pretty eyelashes awww

I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

random survey

How did you find out you were pregnant? HPT

What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? i don't know..i had ordered some strips and the next day got a digital

How many? 3 strips haha I was in disbelief and then 1 digital

What were your 1st symptoms? before: boob tenderness and having to pee a ton...after: being sick

Who did you tell first? Mr. B

Who was with you when you found out? I peed alone then got Mr. B from outside

My 1st reaction: I was dumbfounded because I didn't think I really could strips had come in for when I was planning on testing in a month

Was your baby planned? yeah that we were trying ...trying virgins haha

When was the baby conceived? Feb 20th

How far were you when you found out? 5 weeks exactly

How did your parents react? My dad was worried about how old he was getting but my In Law's were excited!

My baby
Due Date: November 13, 2010

Do you know the sex? a girllllll

Any names? Ava Grace

Any Ultrasounds? at 7W, 20W, and 24 W...we're also getting a 3D/4D on Thursday (so 31W) and I'm assuming we'll get one later on to make sure she's head down and all good

Have you heard the heart beat? Of course we have! We have a home Doppler haha

Who do you think it will look like? Pretty sure she has my toes haha...and I think she has Mr. B's nose. But we'll really get to see on Thursday! Can't wait!

Will the baby have siblings? Hopefully

Have you felt the baby move? Movement sounds so tame haha

Did you have morning sickness? From 6w through week 14 or 15. Every. Damn. Day.

Did you have any cravings? not really

Did you have any mood swings? oh gosh yes...that was a nightmare!

Are you a high risk pregnancy? Nope.

Any complications? Nope.

Formula or Breastfeeding? The boob!

Have you bought anything for the baby yet? Yep. Its really hard to not buy her pretty clothes! We have the furniture and we're just waiting on the shower and whatever we don't get we will.

When did you start to show? I would say around week 13 really

How long could you wear your regular clothes? Since I wear a lot of dresses I was able to do that until about week 14..then I got a few things here and there.

Will you keep the baby’s clothes? I'm sure we'll keep the cute ones that aren't destroyed haha

Home or Hospital? Hospital.

Natural or Medicated birth? Medicated

Who will be in the delivery room with you? Mr. B and Mr. B's mom

Do you think you will need a C-section? I sure hope not.

Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time? Knowing me..yes haha

What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby? Probably something like "you're so beautiful...I love you"

Will you let anyone video tape the birth? You know I forgot to ask if the hospital lets us

Are you excited? While this seems like such a dumb and quite obvious question, yes I am. It’s starting to become real as the weeks go by.

Who will help you with the baby after the birth? Mrs. B in law will be here the 1stish week, then my grandparents will come, and then after that My aunt, uncle, and cousins will come.

What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Having my big belly haha

What is the worst thing about being pregnant? the sickness I had for so long...the loss of breath due to Ava taking over my lung space hah

What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? Sleep.

Any days you wish you were not pregnant? Of course not.

Are you ready for a baby? I think so! Ready as we’ll ever be

Do you have insurance? yup

How many kids do you want? 3 but will be happy with 2

Do you talk to the baby? Yeah so does Mr. B

Do you still feel attractive? Most days until I look at my ever growing thighs

Have you had your baby shower yet? this weekend

Do you like kids? Love them.

How far along are you now? 30.5 weeks

Weekly Update: Week 30

How far along? 30 weeks ::deep breath:: 75% of the way through, & full term status in 48 days

How big is baby? 17 inches (head to feet) and 3.5 pounds

Weight gain/loss? 33 lbs

Maternity clothes? exclusively plus a swellybelly band for shirts that are too short (looks like I have a shirt underneath) and the underclothes suspenders to keep my pants up...thanks to Jin because that thing rocks!

Stretchies? Still just the ones on my boobs thank goodness

Sleep? Is good until I have to pee like 5 times a night haha

Best moment this week? another week closer

Movement? oh all over and much harder

Food cravings? none

Food aversions/foods that make me sick? none

Gender? Girl!

Labor signs? Some BH going on. Once a day usually I'll get an intense one that's sever cramping for a few seconds

Belly button in or out? Sometimes it's really out and sometimes it's just semi hah

What I miss? sex and walking normal

What I am looking forward to next week? NINE WEEKS TO GO. AHHHH!

Milestones? 95-96% viability!!

New things this week? The waddle. Feet hurt after walking for about 10 minutes. Belly feels heavy every time I stand up.

Weekly Wisdom? take it easy

Emotions? even....just getting anxious

Belly/Body Changes? swelling in my feet and ankles...belly continues to grow haha...hips hurt a lot