So Crazie K or Psycho K (can't remember how I addressed her in my last post haha) emailed me!!!! This lady never does that.
She went on and on about Uncle Jamie's son and the text messages and how Uncle Jamie left her in BR gasp! the apparently he demanded the ring back (lie) and how he also told her how we felt about her when they first broke up. I'm not very happy with him about that and I have a feeling he told her that in an argument.
But you know I never did really talk bad bad about her. Mainly how she was a little unstable and how she would cry at the bar for hours over having kids. That's what most of it was about.
She said she used to have fun until she knew she was the outcast. Well honey nobody made you that. Nobody even made you that the second time around but you have issues that you're not willing to deal with and until you do your life will forever be in shambles.
And how even when her mother called Uncle J didn't care...umm no I was sitting right next to him when she called and all she said was she didn't understand her own daughter and how she WASN'T coming to pick her up for acting like a fool.
And how she had to roam LSU's campus until someone came to get her. Well it's not that bad for crying out loud it was 6pm. And how he wouldn't give her her purse. That's because where we were and where they were parked were on opposite ends and this all could've been prevented had she not freaked out like always.
And how she hopes that nobody ever does that to Uncle J's daughter or our future daughter.
I'm like seriously...seriously. Most times you freak out and don't even talk to me and now you want me to feel bad for saying what I said when you guys were broken up.
It would be one thing if I said oh she was such a bitch and I hate her. But I didn't...never would and even after this time Mr. B said he had lost respect for her but I just said "that's wrong Uncle J even if she's hurt that's wrong".
I'm not don't treat me like I am. I know she most likely wants me to go back to Uncle J about this...but I'm least not for now.
Mr. B told me to say I wish you all the best and leave it at that...because I know if I even say well this is what I said back in the day (which was over a year ago people) it would turn into more then that.
So I think I'm just going to say I'm sorry that everything happened...I didn't even know what was going on since you guys were off talking about it. I hope everything works out and I wish you the best...and be done with it.
And hopefully she's truly out of the picture because she to me is Bi-Polar and Manic and until she realizes she has issues and gets help she'll forever be making Uncle J miserable.
Still no AF. bleh
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