Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 40...schmorty

Well I called the doc and of course they lady said she'd need a nurse to call me back.
I was in the middle of explaining things to her when she blurts out "are you pregnant" I'm like ugghh no I doubt it because my body just likes to be difficult.

Anyways a nurse calls back 2 hours later le sigh and says "well there are many reasons why your period could be late however she could only give me stress....seriously I'm not stressed at all...I wasn't last month and only began thinking I could be pregnant at about Day 32.

So here we are Day 40 with no signs of AF. I took that test and it was negative so she thinks that I'm not and I think that too.

I told her I was worried something was going on with my body being I was a 28 day er all day long even down to the same time.

But she said well the only thing that would regulate that is BC. I told her no. I got off of it 7 months ago because of no sex drive and now we're finally having a better time of it and it's silly to start now knowing that Mr. B said the beginning of the year would be looking good.

So I told her well if its not big bad thing I'll just suck it up for the next couple of months.

She did say that I should come in to get my hormones checked before or right around when we're TTC just so we know where I stand because the only time they get worried is when people are TTC and have cycles like mine...hmm okkkkk

So she wants me to take another test tonight just to make sure. If it's negative give them a call in a couple of months and well if it's positive then call tomorrow haha.

So there we have it. A big fat bag of no advice...boy I love that.

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