Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Negative Captain

Ok so last nights was I'll just wait for AF to show. Eh no biggie.
I realized that I can't be worrying about this every time it's just not good for me.

I am ok with waiting until January to start if Mr. B backs down well World War III will be for realzzzz it will be.

But to be honest it's better that I'm not pregnant this month since we have DC and Kellie coming in next month. We'll be in the Qtr for 2 days until they come up and experience tailgating at it's finest. And yes I could still have fun with them but they'd be on their own a lot in the Qtr because a lot of bars are just too smokey.

Now it can happen anytime after that though haha.

Mr. B's Bday is coming up. Oct 23rd. I was thinking about getting him an LSU print since they have a new store for that and maybe another shirt. But that doesn't seem so fun.

I truly can't believe it's about to be October already. Where did this year go seriously? It feels just like yesterday we were ringing in the new year, and then in Europe, and then I was turning 25 gasp! and football season is already and I'll be preparing for my grandparents visit before we know it.

Well I worked out last night. I did a really high resistance so I only did 2.75 miles however I burned 425 calories so I say that's a success. I mean calories are what really matter anyways.

I'm still steady at 172.5ish because of this past weekend. But I'll be working out tonight and then Friday so I'm hoping it will get better. I need to start lifting some weights as well.

Well we don't have to help Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jen move this weekend so we'll be heading to the P's house for the GA game. I'm happy. That means a little sleeping in on Saturday and then being local.

However Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jen are going to the rodeo on Sunday...and I don't mean the normal one. The Angola Prison Rodeo. Where the prisoners try and get chips off of the bulls to get money...they also sell stuff they've made all year.

And I do want to go but just not this Sunday...but if Mr. B wants to go I have to oblige because he did let me do what I wanted last weekend.

I am starving and I know I should eat something small to get my metabolism going. This morning I had a pineapple smoothie and a mini Juicy Juice box. But I'm afraid I won't have enough for lunch even though I packed for it'll be ok.

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