As baby's language skills improve, you can start teaching her about manners. Say "please" and "thank you" whenever appropriate in your interactions, and prompt her to do the same. And, instead of picking up her toys while she's down for a nap, make cleaning up part of the playtime routine and encourage her to "help" however she can.
This is a great idea especially because down here manners is a big thing. I'm going to try this whole help me clean up thing and see how that goes haha
Sucking on her thumb or a pacifier is baby's way of soothing herself. According to the American Dental Association, there's no need for real concern regarding pacifier usage until age four, when permanent teeth start coming in, but you may want to consider weaning sooner rather than later for an easier transition -- in addition to affecting teeth formation, it can also affect baby's ability to talk.
This currently isn't an issue for us....Ava was never a big paci fan and still isn't. Sucking her thumb was a quick little phase. Of course we won't introduce the paci now but I guess she could always take up thumb sucking if she really wanted to....we'll watch for it but aren't concerned now.
Opt for short, manageable stories when you read to baby -- her attention span is only about three or four minutes right now. Trying to read for longer than that may cause her to get fussy.
See she used to love love love longer stories but just recently she gets distracted quickly and wants to turn the page or look around so I'm taking this into consideration.
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