Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Going to A's tbal games suck. 

There's just noway around it. 

Always pregnant women, little babies, little boys. 

I should be that pregnant lady with a good sized belly being I would be 29 weeks. 

29 weeks....

I saw a pregnant lady who looked to be about that as we were walking to the consession stand. 

I just grabbed A 2.0's hand a little harder and hung my head. 

It really stung. 

And while I'm over the initial shock of this all and have gone through most of the grieving stages I think in a sense this will get harder. 

This is when it will get really real. 

The 28 week milestone, missing the GD test, getting closer to due date, summer where Grant woud wear his polos to match his daddy, wearing his LSU and Saints gear, holidays. 

I'm just not ready for all of those reminders. I truly feel like there is a void in our home now. I mean there will always be. Grant's not here. 

But it's more than that for me. 

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