I wanted to tell the center manager first (even though she's not my manager we work very closely together and she'll be the most effected well and the interpreters by me being gone since another person in another state will have to do my job)
So I caught her outside and she was like "Ohhh i figured" you have been sick, wearing dresses, and emotional.
First off...I've only told her I felt bad like twice since I've found out.
Secondly I always wear dresses and in fact wore pants last week and wore Capri's and Bermuda's this week hah
and Third off the only time I was emotional was when her and I weren't seeing eye to eye and she went behind my back and I had a right to be upset.
But whatever
So then I keep trying to tell my boss and finally come out on IM and she of course says she had a hunch and then the center managers boss is here and he tells me he told my boss that too because of the one issue with the center manager.
I was like honestly I was really stressed and things weren't going right thats why haha
Have I been emotional to Mr. B absolutely but not here...actually I've been pretty nice for feeling so sick.
I'm just wondering and waiting for others to be like "ohhh yah I knew all along" it's like no you didn't haha because the center manager here has asked me probably 4 times in the past oh 8 months (but not while I was actually pregnant) if I was...so clearly she has no idea.
Anyways I told them I would be back to ease their fears since I'm still covering for that center where the girl waited to be done with her maternity leave and then quit (and being on the crappy end of that I know thats not right to do)
It's one thing if after I have the baby Mr. B and I both decide you know what I can't do it...I need to stay at home. But then I'd still come back and tell them right away and stay for a month until they got a replacement.
Anyways I think that eased their fears and they are happy.
My boss said I'd make a great mother...that was sweet of her.
I did throw up this morning in the shower...just thought I'd share that random tip of the day.
And oh by 2:30 everyday I'm in like a comatose state...so freaking sleepy. Can't wait for about 15 more minutes when I can go home.
We cleaned and cleaned last night and the house looks pretty good.
Still have a lot of deep cleaning to do before the baby.
Parle is acting up...he knows something is up and I swear if he does something wrong again we may have to look into giving him up. I don't know if I can actually do it because he's my love but he is throwing food, water, and towels and blankets all over in the laundry room...like he'll pull his blanket out of his covered bed and drag it to his water bowl and soak it up..or fling food everywhere.
Or in the middle of the night he goes and pee's in places and I discovered he had pee'd on my SLR camera case...luckily its one of those cushion backpacks so nothing was harmed.
He's fixed so it's not about territory. I think if he can't wake us up he goes. And see Mr. B started that crap because if he wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom he let's Parle out too...but there are some nights where Mr. B doesn't wake up and go.
When Mr. B is traveling I shut our bedroom door so Parle can't roam and he never goes...so I'm thinking that we'll have to start doing that.
Last night I pulled his water and food at about 8:15 though so that he had time to go do his business before bed.
Le sigh....hopefully he gets better. I know he'll be fantastic with the baby and be a great protector...just in the meantime I hope I can keep my sanity since I'm already on edge as it is.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It Happened...
Just like that a bump appeared!
All day yesterday I kinda felt like dang I feel heavier but I had a dress on so I didn't pay much attention until I got home and changed into comfy clothes and looked in the mirror (as I do everyday and suck in haha) and there it was...
My bump squeeee!
And it didn't go away so I know it was for real haha...it was a little bigger last night vs this morning but still there.
And today I'm wearing the bella band in a serious way.
I'm happy that it just happened though since I'm telling work on Friday.
Tomorrow I'm only here for a few hours before I go to my "dentist" (which really means doc) appointment haha
All day yesterday I kinda felt like dang I feel heavier but I had a dress on so I didn't pay much attention until I got home and changed into comfy clothes and looked in the mirror (as I do everyday and suck in haha) and there it was...
My bump squeeee!
And it didn't go away so I know it was for real haha...it was a little bigger last night vs this morning but still there.
And today I'm wearing the bella band in a serious way.
I'm happy that it just happened though since I'm telling work on Friday.
Tomorrow I'm only here for a few hours before I go to my "dentist" (which really means doc) appointment haha
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Something that is irking me
Ok I know I talked about it on here before (I think before I turned it into all about butterball) but my younger brother and his younger gf are having a baby in August....a girl....
So he's 22 and will be 23 in September and she just turned 20 I believe...and right now their facebook statuses are always I love you and the babies name and bla bla bla...which is great. I'm happy they're so excited because that will help them out however of all people my brother should know what young pregnancies can do and not having enough money can do.
He does dry wall and I think sometimes works at the truck stop?? She's a waitress at a local little place talking about getting a 2nd job (then at 5 months pregnant) because they need money to get an apartment together (which they did this weekend).
Im glad they're trying to be responsible but the reality is she can't keep waitressing and who will watch the baby and what happens when she can't work and drywalling is slow right now...yada yada yada I sound like a mom I know.
Anyways I was looking at the gf's FB and came across one of her friends who's also 20 and is pregnant.
In her pictures her room is always a mess and things are everywhere and her notes even say the daddy isn't around and she hopes he sticks to his word of providing (which we all know most likely won't happen) but she of course took some pictures and this is what IRKS the crap out of me!
At like 4 months her title is "Look how fat I am" or when she's 6 months "I can't believe I thought I used to be fat because now I really am"
I get complaining about morning sickness because it really can hinder you're entire day, week, and for some of us months now, and the sciatic nerve that just WON'T GO AWAY, or constipation (yah it sucks) or the hair growing like crazy, and let's not talk about me becoming Sybil in 2.5 seconds haha
but one thing I've always looked forward to was having a baby bump!!! Now don't get me wrong when you get up there to your 9 month and you don't know if you even pee'd in the toilet or on yourself, or need your husband to put your shoes on I get then you can say "I'm a blimp" but never "I'm fat" and you sure as hell will never hear me say those words when I'm 4-6 months pregnant.
That to me just shows immaturity. It's not even something to complain about. Sorry just irks me.
Vent over
So he's 22 and will be 23 in September and she just turned 20 I believe...and right now their facebook statuses are always I love you and the babies name and bla bla bla...which is great. I'm happy they're so excited because that will help them out however of all people my brother should know what young pregnancies can do and not having enough money can do.
He does dry wall and I think sometimes works at the truck stop?? She's a waitress at a local little place talking about getting a 2nd job (then at 5 months pregnant) because they need money to get an apartment together (which they did this weekend).
Im glad they're trying to be responsible but the reality is she can't keep waitressing and who will watch the baby and what happens when she can't work and drywalling is slow right now...yada yada yada I sound like a mom I know.
Anyways I was looking at the gf's FB and came across one of her friends who's also 20 and is pregnant.
In her pictures her room is always a mess and things are everywhere and her notes even say the daddy isn't around and she hopes he sticks to his word of providing (which we all know most likely won't happen) but she of course took some pictures and this is what IRKS the crap out of me!
At like 4 months her title is "Look how fat I am" or when she's 6 months "I can't believe I thought I used to be fat because now I really am"
I get complaining about morning sickness because it really can hinder you're entire day, week, and for some of us months now, and the sciatic nerve that just WON'T GO AWAY, or constipation (yah it sucks) or the hair growing like crazy, and let's not talk about me becoming Sybil in 2.5 seconds haha
but one thing I've always looked forward to was having a baby bump!!! Now don't get me wrong when you get up there to your 9 month and you don't know if you even pee'd in the toilet or on yourself, or need your husband to put your shoes on I get then you can say "I'm a blimp" but never "I'm fat" and you sure as hell will never hear me say those words when I'm 4-6 months pregnant.
That to me just shows immaturity. It's not even something to complain about. Sorry just irks me.
Vent over
Days left until my due date!
It's crazy to think almost 90 days have already passed since conception!!!
So here I am heading into week 12 and I'm going to tell work this week.
I keep going back and forth on what day I should tell them. I think I should tell my boss before my appointment on Thursday since she'll be wondering why I have so many but then I also want to make sure everything is good...and I'm not actually sure what will happen (I know I don't get an u/s) but I'm guessing she'll use the doppler at least).
And my boss isn't in the center. She's based out of Birmingham so I'm not worried about her so much as the center manager (who isn't my boss) and just so happens her boss will be here too. I'm so nervous to tell them I don't know why.
I think just because I've taken on so much and everyone here is so used to my style of scheduling and what not that it will be a change to have to depend on someone else.
hmpfff decisions decisions.
Yesterday Mr. B text me to say his boss (and friend) was on him almost everyday about am I pregnant yet (because Mr. B told him we were trying not that we were pregnant haha) but he's going to tell him later this week as well.
I guess it's a big week for us.
H's parents and brother come in this weekend so I have to try and muster up enough strength and hopefully will power to get over being sick and clean and do laundry these next few days.
I have a lot to do. Luckily Mr. B said he's doing the lawn tonight so I can do some things while cooking dinner.
Speaking of dinner right now the last thing I want to do is think about food and write out a list for the grocery bleh
It's crazy to think almost 90 days have already passed since conception!!!
So here I am heading into week 12 and I'm going to tell work this week.
I keep going back and forth on what day I should tell them. I think I should tell my boss before my appointment on Thursday since she'll be wondering why I have so many but then I also want to make sure everything is good...and I'm not actually sure what will happen (I know I don't get an u/s) but I'm guessing she'll use the doppler at least).
And my boss isn't in the center. She's based out of Birmingham so I'm not worried about her so much as the center manager (who isn't my boss) and just so happens her boss will be here too. I'm so nervous to tell them I don't know why.
I think just because I've taken on so much and everyone here is so used to my style of scheduling and what not that it will be a change to have to depend on someone else.
hmpfff decisions decisions.
Yesterday Mr. B text me to say his boss (and friend) was on him almost everyday about am I pregnant yet (because Mr. B told him we were trying not that we were pregnant haha) but he's going to tell him later this week as well.
I guess it's a big week for us.
H's parents and brother come in this weekend so I have to try and muster up enough strength and hopefully will power to get over being sick and clean and do laundry these next few days.
I have a lot to do. Luckily Mr. B said he's doing the lawn tonight so I can do some things while cooking dinner.
Speaking of dinner right now the last thing I want to do is think about food and write out a list for the grocery bleh
Thursday, April 22, 2010
First off...
Dear Sciatic Nerve....can you please leave me the F alone! I seriously don't need this on top of getting sick every afternoon.
It started seriously last week and this week it's even worse...I mean I didn't think you get those pains until you were bigger and things were really pressing against it...but I guess not.
Anyways done with that
Today I'm wearing the Bella Band for the first time...mainly I think because I dried my pants instead of letting them air dry but the things keeps riding up which is annoying but all my shirts are short on me now due to these melons that are supposed to be boobs haha
So I went to Target in hopes of finding some maternity shirts that wouldn't be so obvious until next week when I tell work at the end of the week.
And I was so disappointed in their choices...
I normally love Targets clothes but there were pretty much just jeans and tshirts ugh
I ended up finding a shirt in the women's section in a large that way I can grow into it...I'm a dork but I pushed out my belly as far as it would go to see if it would be snug and then kind of pulled it out on the sides since that will expand too and it seems like I could wear it for quite some time...and the good news is it doesn't make me look pregnant right now.
And then I found a wrap dress...the inside hook is stretchy so that's good and I did the belly test too haha
That dress will be easier to tell I'm pregnant but eh whats one more week until I say something.
And then thanks to Jin for mentioning the gummy pre-natals. I had actually gone to Target a few weeks ago and those things were 21 dollars...I was really dumbfounded by that so I didn't get them but I've been so sick at night that I'm not keeping my normal ones down and don't even bother saying try in the morning or afternoon because that makes me projectile vomit.
So I said F it today I'm going and lo and behold they were 12 bucks! And I checked the sign that first time and it was correct so I don't know if they printed the sign wrong, or if it was a different brand but none the less I snatched those bad boys up.
I'm still going to take them tonight after my dinner just in case I still get the same reaction but here's to hoping I can keep them down!
I have a lot to do tonight. I have to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, take out trash and some stuff that we're throwing away, and get the guest bedroom in order since I believe Uncle Ben will be coming this weekend...
Eh I just love coming home and doing nothing when Mr. B is out of town haha
Dear Sciatic Nerve....can you please leave me the F alone! I seriously don't need this on top of getting sick every afternoon.
It started seriously last week and this week it's even worse...I mean I didn't think you get those pains until you were bigger and things were really pressing against it...but I guess not.
Anyways done with that
Today I'm wearing the Bella Band for the first time...mainly I think because I dried my pants instead of letting them air dry but the things keeps riding up which is annoying but all my shirts are short on me now due to these melons that are supposed to be boobs haha
So I went to Target in hopes of finding some maternity shirts that wouldn't be so obvious until next week when I tell work at the end of the week.
And I was so disappointed in their choices...
I normally love Targets clothes but there were pretty much just jeans and tshirts ugh
I ended up finding a shirt in the women's section in a large that way I can grow into it...I'm a dork but I pushed out my belly as far as it would go to see if it would be snug and then kind of pulled it out on the sides since that will expand too and it seems like I could wear it for quite some time...and the good news is it doesn't make me look pregnant right now.
And then I found a wrap dress...the inside hook is stretchy so that's good and I did the belly test too haha
That dress will be easier to tell I'm pregnant but eh whats one more week until I say something.
And then thanks to Jin for mentioning the gummy pre-natals. I had actually gone to Target a few weeks ago and those things were 21 dollars...I was really dumbfounded by that so I didn't get them but I've been so sick at night that I'm not keeping my normal ones down and don't even bother saying try in the morning or afternoon because that makes me projectile vomit.
So I said F it today I'm going and lo and behold they were 12 bucks! And I checked the sign that first time and it was correct so I don't know if they printed the sign wrong, or if it was a different brand but none the less I snatched those bad boys up.
I'm still going to take them tonight after my dinner just in case I still get the same reaction but here's to hoping I can keep them down!
I have a lot to do tonight. I have to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, take out trash and some stuff that we're throwing away, and get the guest bedroom in order since I believe Uncle Ben will be coming this weekend...
Eh I just love coming home and doing nothing when Mr. B is out of town haha
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
So yesterday morning Mr. B said "Let me buy you breakfast" haha I find that so cute and charming being we have a shared account and that account only.
But while at breakfast I said "we need to start discussing names" (Now I've always had one girls name picked out since oh like the age of 15 and I really like a certain boys name) but was afraid because Mr. B would kind of grimace and say he didn't know.
I was shocked when he said "Well I thought we already had that planned out" haha
And I was like what name?? and He said Jacob Michael (My great grandfathers name was Jacob and his grandfathers name was Jay)...so it works.
And then he said yah and your grandma's dog for a girl haha her last dog's name happens to be my girls name but she's had so many dogs in her life that I would bound to run into a problem.
So Chloe Elizabeth for sure if it's a girl and I think Jacob Michael is like 95% so that's great!!! It's not about getting what I want I just think that they are great names...haha but I said are you sure? Because I want him to like them...he's just so much more excited then I thought which is great.
One less thing to worry about hah
But while at breakfast I said "we need to start discussing names" (Now I've always had one girls name picked out since oh like the age of 15 and I really like a certain boys name) but was afraid because Mr. B would kind of grimace and say he didn't know.
I was shocked when he said "Well I thought we already had that planned out" haha
And I was like what name?? and He said Jacob Michael (My great grandfathers name was Jacob and his grandfathers name was Jay)...so it works.
And then he said yah and your grandma's dog for a girl haha her last dog's name happens to be my girls name but she's had so many dogs in her life that I would bound to run into a problem.
So Chloe Elizabeth for sure if it's a girl and I think Jacob Michael is like 95% so that's great!!! It's not about getting what I want I just think that they are great names...haha but I said are you sure? Because I want him to like them...he's just so much more excited then I thought which is great.
One less thing to worry about hah
They've Arrived!!!
I bought some boppy pops or whatever they're called to help with M/S and sea bands...everyone raves about them.
Well yesterday I felt really good and this morning I was too until about 2pm...I jinxed myself ugh but luckily I just checked and both the pops and sea band were delivered today! Whoot. I really hope it works.
I've tried to keep my complaining to a minimal but to think that I could have another month of it makes me want to puke to be honest.
I still need to muster up the strength and courage to talk about last weeks bad comedy episode haha I mean I laugh at it now but damn it was nuts.
I haven't been updating because honeslty the thought of a computer at night is the last thing I want but I have work to do tonight so I'm going to update my photos most likely will a collage of some sort.
I can't believe I'm already 10 weeks along!
I called the hospital last week and got pre-registered. Now I just have to come in at 34 weeks and fill out some consent forms and then I'm all registered which will be great so I won't have to worry about that when the time comes.
I also wanted to find out the price after insurance since it's of course seperate from the doc.
She said when I come in for that registration bring in 500. And that my insurance does a 1000 deductible and then 80% after that but if I meet a 2500 deductible they pick up 100%.
It would actually be cheaper for us to meet the 2500 since she said expect about 3500 total.
I know I have to bring in 200 to the doc in 2 weeks and then the 500 puts us just at 700...I know there will be more deductibles so we'll at least make the 1000 but eh we'll see.
Anyways she said "You have some time" and I was talking with Mr. B and I was like no we don't! He agreed. 6.5 months to plan and save for 3500 lady...thats not a long time haha I mean thats over 500 a month duh
Maybe she was just concerned about mc boooo.
Well yesterday I felt really good and this morning I was too until about 2pm...I jinxed myself ugh but luckily I just checked and both the pops and sea band were delivered today! Whoot. I really hope it works.
I've tried to keep my complaining to a minimal but to think that I could have another month of it makes me want to puke to be honest.
I still need to muster up the strength and courage to talk about last weeks bad comedy episode haha I mean I laugh at it now but damn it was nuts.
I haven't been updating because honeslty the thought of a computer at night is the last thing I want but I have work to do tonight so I'm going to update my photos most likely will a collage of some sort.
I can't believe I'm already 10 weeks along!
I called the hospital last week and got pre-registered. Now I just have to come in at 34 weeks and fill out some consent forms and then I'm all registered which will be great so I won't have to worry about that when the time comes.
I also wanted to find out the price after insurance since it's of course seperate from the doc.
She said when I come in for that registration bring in 500. And that my insurance does a 1000 deductible and then 80% after that but if I meet a 2500 deductible they pick up 100%.
It would actually be cheaper for us to meet the 2500 since she said expect about 3500 total.
I know I have to bring in 200 to the doc in 2 weeks and then the 500 puts us just at 700...I know there will be more deductibles so we'll at least make the 1000 but eh we'll see.
Anyways she said "You have some time" and I was talking with Mr. B and I was like no we don't! He agreed. 6.5 months to plan and save for 3500 lady...thats not a long time haha I mean thats over 500 a month duh
Maybe she was just concerned about mc boooo.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Everyone Needs...
Some projectile bile in the morning haha
Serves me right not grabbing something to eat asap this morning.
I mean I hadn't even showered in my defense and though it was just going to be another gagging episode...nope..
Straight out of the Exorcist! haha
But I felt much better and had some honey nut Cheerios's (no milk) and did better.
I had a plan to leave today at 2 and I definitely am sticking to that.
We had so much trash from cleaning out the garage and if I wasn't leaving early then I'd head straight to LTown without going home and since people like to steal people's garbage cans I couldn't leave that bad boy out all weekend. And then I thought that would give Parle some more time to hang in his spacious laundry room instead of being boarded.
Normally we take him to Uncle Winnie's house but this weekend I just want it to be quiet especially after I leave the festival and go back to his house by myself.
Everyone needs some time alone right?!
And then I didn't want to pack last night because I wasn't feeling well so I'll have some time to do that too.
I told my aunt via email...(My mom's sister). All I did was attach the photo's and just said check em out.
She wrote back that she was crying in her cubicle and people were going to think she was nuts haha
She's such a great woman and it's amazing how she can be such a warm loving great mother, wife, daughter, sister, and aunt but my mom turned out the way she did. Yes they did have different things happen in their lives but my mom chose drinking and drugs and to not care for her children. I will always say my mother is ill mentally in some ways (nothing that couldn't be helped with a therapist and medication) but her choices in life surely haven't helped her.
I'm just so glad that I have a relationship with my wonderful aunt who is great and so happy for us.
She's so great that her and her daughter took the Amtrak from Iowa to Louisiana for my wedding. It was 1.5 days for riding each way and not as fun as they thought it would be haha but she did it and she's a great person.
Anyways in a way it was better then telling my dads side since she really knows what I've really gone through in life.
One morning she stopped by...not even sure why she did on her way to work. My mom was yelling and screaming about not wanting to get up and take us to school and we'd have to walk if she didn't obviously...so she took us and she told me "I don't understand how someone can be so cruel to their kids for not doing anything wrong"...
See my aunt is very passive and emotional and she normally never would say any bad things about anyone so for her to say that to me I was shocked but glad someone besides me saw it.
I don't know if that makes any sense but with her so excited just made me feel like yes this is a great thing and I'm going to be nothing like my mother was to me and if I ever see that I have the same things going on in my head I'm going to seek help because that is something that worries me a lot.
I know many people say they don't want to end up like their mothers but I truly couldn't bare to be like that.
Anyways I had a strange dream last night that involved me pushing my baby BOY out in two pushes, then he was like 7 months old already, a mo-ped, Michael Jackson, people that I haven't seen in 10 years....very random haha
But first baby dream. If only labor will go that easy haha
Serves me right not grabbing something to eat asap this morning.
I mean I hadn't even showered in my defense and though it was just going to be another gagging episode...nope..
Straight out of the Exorcist! haha
But I felt much better and had some honey nut Cheerios's (no milk) and did better.
I had a plan to leave today at 2 and I definitely am sticking to that.
We had so much trash from cleaning out the garage and if I wasn't leaving early then I'd head straight to LTown without going home and since people like to steal people's garbage cans I couldn't leave that bad boy out all weekend. And then I thought that would give Parle some more time to hang in his spacious laundry room instead of being boarded.
Normally we take him to Uncle Winnie's house but this weekend I just want it to be quiet especially after I leave the festival and go back to his house by myself.
Everyone needs some time alone right?!
And then I didn't want to pack last night because I wasn't feeling well so I'll have some time to do that too.
I told my aunt via email...(My mom's sister). All I did was attach the photo's and just said check em out.
She wrote back that she was crying in her cubicle and people were going to think she was nuts haha
She's such a great woman and it's amazing how she can be such a warm loving great mother, wife, daughter, sister, and aunt but my mom turned out the way she did. Yes they did have different things happen in their lives but my mom chose drinking and drugs and to not care for her children. I will always say my mother is ill mentally in some ways (nothing that couldn't be helped with a therapist and medication) but her choices in life surely haven't helped her.
I'm just so glad that I have a relationship with my wonderful aunt who is great and so happy for us.
She's so great that her and her daughter took the Amtrak from Iowa to Louisiana for my wedding. It was 1.5 days for riding each way and not as fun as they thought it would be haha but she did it and she's a great person.
Anyways in a way it was better then telling my dads side since she really knows what I've really gone through in life.
One morning she stopped by...not even sure why she did on her way to work. My mom was yelling and screaming about not wanting to get up and take us to school and we'd have to walk if she didn't obviously...so she took us and she told me "I don't understand how someone can be so cruel to their kids for not doing anything wrong"...
See my aunt is very passive and emotional and she normally never would say any bad things about anyone so for her to say that to me I was shocked but glad someone besides me saw it.
I don't know if that makes any sense but with her so excited just made me feel like yes this is a great thing and I'm going to be nothing like my mother was to me and if I ever see that I have the same things going on in my head I'm going to seek help because that is something that worries me a lot.
I know many people say they don't want to end up like their mothers but I truly couldn't bare to be like that.
Anyways I had a strange dream last night that involved me pushing my baby BOY out in two pushes, then he was like 7 months old already, a mo-ped, Michael Jackson, people that I haven't seen in 10 years....very random haha
But first baby dream. If only labor will go that easy haha
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
It's Time For A.....
Bella Band.
Uh yah I put on some capri's for work today and they were definitely snug to start off with but as the day went on it got so uncomfortable! It's just bloat but still I figured I better go ahead and get it now because I want to hold off as long as possible in buying maternity pants.
But goodness gracious I can't wait for 4:30 to come on so I can unbutton these suckers on my drive home.
I have to stop at Walgreen's since I couldn't wait the 1/2 hour since I was starving on my lunch break to get my pictures and the CD haha
I'm also going to pick up some Lemon Heads (Thanks Jin)...I did hear sour stuff makes nausea better but she used them and I know she's been sick and it helped so I'm willing to try anything.
I think the computer definitely worsens it...I can tell in the afternoons it's much more severe at work then it is if I'm just at home relaxing. It's going in spurts now where it will be good for a day or two and then one day will be like someone took a bat to me and it just is terrible.
But I'm working through it and I'm trying to think that I only have 3.5 more weeks if that of this.
I've been having some crazy sex dreams lately....anyone else experience that??? haha I mean some crazy ones that I don't even want to admit to Mr. B let alone to you hah
Mr. B brought up the idea of buying a doppler. Part of me does want one because I longed for more time to hear the butterball's heart beat yesterday but then part of me is worried that if I can't find it that I'll freak out when nothing is wrong.
They weren't as expensive as I thought...so we'll think about it.
Uh yah I put on some capri's for work today and they were definitely snug to start off with but as the day went on it got so uncomfortable! It's just bloat but still I figured I better go ahead and get it now because I want to hold off as long as possible in buying maternity pants.
But goodness gracious I can't wait for 4:30 to come on so I can unbutton these suckers on my drive home.
I have to stop at Walgreen's since I couldn't wait the 1/2 hour since I was starving on my lunch break to get my pictures and the CD haha
I'm also going to pick up some Lemon Heads (Thanks Jin)...I did hear sour stuff makes nausea better but she used them and I know she's been sick and it helped so I'm willing to try anything.
I think the computer definitely worsens it...I can tell in the afternoons it's much more severe at work then it is if I'm just at home relaxing. It's going in spurts now where it will be good for a day or two and then one day will be like someone took a bat to me and it just is terrible.
But I'm working through it and I'm trying to think that I only have 3.5 more weeks if that of this.
I've been having some crazy sex dreams lately....anyone else experience that??? haha I mean some crazy ones that I don't even want to admit to Mr. B let alone to you hah
Mr. B brought up the idea of buying a doppler. Part of me does want one because I longed for more time to hear the butterball's heart beat yesterday but then part of me is worried that if I can't find it that I'll freak out when nothing is wrong.
They weren't as expensive as I thought...so we'll think about it.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
So....66% of you were right....we just have one little butterball in there!
I have to go to Walgreen's to scan the pictures and I'll upload them tomorrow.
I had to do a vaginal ultrasound which was odd haha
But it was so fantastic! Butterball is measuring on time and I'm glad that we waited today instead of last week because s/he was moving his/her little arm and leg buds around and the hearbeat was strong at 174!!!!
Mr. B thinks its a boy because of it's head haha
Made it sooo real!
I have to go to Walgreen's to scan the pictures and I'll upload them tomorrow.
I had to do a vaginal ultrasound which was odd haha
But it was so fantastic! Butterball is measuring on time and I'm glad that we waited today instead of last week because s/he was moving his/her little arm and leg buds around and the hearbeat was strong at 174!!!!
Mr. B thinks its a boy because of it's head haha
Made it sooo real!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Guess what I forgot....
My 1 Year Blog Anniversary!!!!!
How could I forget!
It was on Monday and I actually had a reminder set but life is busy so there we have it.
But doesn't that just sum it up really?! My intentions are to always blog about the things I want to talk about and then 3,4, or even 8 days later I finally get to it. Le Sigh. I'd like to say I'll get better but who really knows haha
But I do love my blog and doesn't that cake or whatever it is look freaking yummy!
Yesterday I got a vanilla cone from McDonald's on my way home and it really did ease my stomach. It's funny because I'm lactose so I always have to be careful of my dairy intake or else I pay but since I've been pregnant dairy seems to SOOTH my tummy. Mostly in the form of cream cheesy stuff but since ice cream is apparently working and I think I need another treat for the blogs sake I'm going to stop at Sonic when I leave here. ...which I think I'm going to do because this afternoon has been rough.

It's Set!
So I called yesterday and got it set up that they'll give the table some kind of dessert that will say
Due Date
November 13th
Love "our names"
Weee so excited!!!!
And it's already Thursday and the weekend will fly by and Monday's always fly by for me so I'll just have to get through Tuesday before I can see my little Butterball.
And yes that's what we'll be refering to our lil one as. I went onto the November 10 board and they're throwing around badge ideas and we're voting but no matter what I love this one the most!

How stinkin cute! Granted I'm due a few weeks before Thanksgiving but still love it!
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