Friday, April 30, 2010

Told Work

I wanted to tell the center manager first (even though she's not my manager we work very closely together and she'll be the most effected well and the interpreters by me being gone since another person in another state will have to do my job)

So I caught her outside and she was like "Ohhh i figured" you have been sick, wearing dresses, and emotional.

First off...I've only told her I felt bad like twice since I've found out.
Secondly I always wear dresses and in fact wore pants last week and wore Capri's and Bermuda's this week hah
and Third off the only time I was emotional was when her and I weren't seeing eye to eye and she went behind my back and I had a right to be upset.

But whatever

So then I keep trying to tell my boss and finally come out on IM and she of course says she had a hunch and then the center managers boss is here and he tells me he told my boss that too because of the one issue with the center manager.

I was like honestly I was really stressed and things weren't going right thats why haha

Have I been emotional to Mr. B absolutely but not here...actually I've been pretty nice for feeling so sick.

I'm just wondering and waiting for others to be like "ohhh yah I knew all along" it's like no you didn't haha because the center manager here has asked me probably 4 times in the past oh 8 months (but not while I was actually pregnant) if I clearly she has no idea.

Anyways I told them I would be back to ease their fears since I'm still covering for that center where the girl waited to be done with her maternity leave and then quit (and being on the crappy end of that I know thats not right to do)

It's one thing if after I have the baby Mr. B and I both decide you know what I can't do it...I need to stay at home. But then I'd still come back and tell them right away and stay for a month until they got a replacement.

Anyways I think that eased their fears and they are happy.
My boss said I'd make a great mother...that was sweet of her.

I did throw up this morning in the shower...just thought I'd share that random tip of the day.

And oh by 2:30 everyday I'm in like a comatose freaking sleepy. Can't wait for about 15 more minutes when I can go home.

We cleaned and cleaned last night and the house looks pretty good.

Still have a lot of deep cleaning to do before the baby.

Parle is acting up...he knows something is up and I swear if he does something wrong again we may have to look into giving him up. I don't know if I can actually do it because he's my love but he is throwing food, water, and towels and blankets all over in the laundry he'll pull his blanket out of his covered bed and drag it to his water bowl and soak it up..or fling food everywhere.

Or in the middle of the night he goes and pee's in places and I discovered he had pee'd on my SLR camera case...luckily its one of those cushion backpacks so nothing was harmed.

He's fixed so it's not about territory. I think if he can't wake us up he goes. And see Mr. B started that crap because if he wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom he let's Parle out too...but there are some nights where Mr. B doesn't wake up and go.

When Mr. B is traveling I shut our bedroom door so Parle can't roam and he never I'm thinking that we'll have to start doing that.

Last night I pulled his water and food at about 8:15 though so that he had time to go do his business before bed.

Le sigh....hopefully he gets better. I know he'll be fantastic with the baby and be a great protector...just in the meantime I hope I can keep my sanity since I'm already on edge as it is.


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