Monday, September 13, 2010


Ok so we got this freaking adorable pearl bracelet that I just had to show...

Sorry it's dark but the flash wouldn't show anything. Super cute!

Here are Ava's wall letters. So happy with how they turned out. Now I just need to hang them once Mr. B goes out of town haha.

Oh we're selling the Escort finally whoop! Mr. B's co-worker car crapped out so he came to look at it yesterday and went and got a fuel pump and was trying to change that thing in the dark last night at like 9....umm yah not cool but whateva's...but since the battery had been sitting for a couple of months (even though it's new) of course it was they're charging it today and tonight he's coming back to finish. I just pray it's just the fuel pump but from talking with folks who've had that issue it sounds like it's it. I mean it sat for like 2 years not being driven so it makes sense and that happened on my old probe too. Just happy to be getting money and it would be perfect timing because we'd use that money to supplement my income when I'm only being paid 60% for maternity leave.

So say a little vibe for me! hah

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