Well she gave me the side eye for gaining 35lbs already. Listen I've been complaining about this everywhere and the whole thing is I'm not overeating and I don't indulge...the biggest indulgence I have is fries and ketchup and I try to keep that to 3 times a week. But otherwise I'm getting my fruits, veggies, dairy, and good carbs in and I'm drinking a crap ton of water. I'm sure more then some pregnant women.
When I told her all this then she said ..."then don't worry about it...I do not want you feeling like you need to diet and watch what you eat"
And I really only gained rapidly from month 5 to month 6 and after that I have been on point so I blame that one month which was like 8lbs. Because if I didn't then I'd be at like 28-30lb gain which would be better.
Anyways she measures my belly (last night I measured it and I got 35.5 weeks but didn't know if I was doing it right)...she then looked at the chart and remeasured and said that I was measuring big.
She wanted me to get an ultrasound which honestly I was pretty excited about being I wanted to know how much Ava was weighing.
She asked about contractions etc and then I said so my checklist says to ask you about pre-term labor and she was like we just talked about it haha and that's why I like her...she's no fuss and laid back because honestly what do you talk about? I'm not having more then 4 contractions and hour so she's not concerned.
So they had to fit me in for the ultrasound so that took a bit but I finally got in and it was good seeing Ava!
She weighs a whopping 5lbs 9oz folks that's over 5.5lbs already and measuring big per the ultrasound tech. She then tells me that I have a lot of fluid and I ask her and she says that the doctor will explain that...that's never good ugh.
So I go back and they give her the results and then she just has me meet her in the hallway and she says yes I do have more fluid but she'd rather me have more then too little but we want to monitor it so I'll be getting weekly ultrasounds now....so I'm nervous because I googled it what an idiot.
The U/S tech asked if I had my gestational test and I told her yes I passed because generally you have more fluid if you have GD and then it could be congestion or ingestion where she's not swallowing but I know she's doing that because I saw it first hand at the 3D/4D and even on the 2D today she was opening and closing her mouth.
But since my doc didn't seemed too too worried I won't right now. I am happy to see Ava every week though especially to see how much she's gaining and that might give us a better understanding if we'll have to induce or just wait it out.
Mr. B was born 6 weeks early exactly at 5lbs. I am 33weeks and 3 days and Ava is 5lbs 9oz haha so I am happy to know that she is bigger then her daddy and earlier. But too early to come! I need her lungs to develop more.
And she's head down folks so that's good to know. Hopefully she stays that way :)
Well I'm not going to worry about it. The U/S tech gave me a lot of frontal pictures so it's hard to see but I took one with my phone to show you how chubby her cheeks are! I can't wait to kiss on them!
Love those cheeks! Don't stress about the weight or the fluid, if your Dr isn't worried than you shouldn't be either. It sounds like they're taking all the right precautions.