Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Update: Week 33

I'm going with Jin's style because I think it's easier to read!

82.5% through pregnancy, 46.2% through 3rd tri. 50 days until due date, 29 days until full term. 7 weeks of work left (If I go to the end)

How big is baby?
Let’s see. If we’re gaining 8 ounces a week I'm guessing here but since I saw rolls a few weeks ago I'm going with she's either right below or right at 5lbs now.

Weight gain/loss?

Up 35lbs as of last doctors visit so I'm going with 36 this week (let's hope)

None...I'm knocking on wood. Very lucky. The boobs have started to mesh with my regular color skin whoot!

I’m sleeping through the night (minus the pee breaks every hour past midnight) but it’s not restful sleep

Best Moment?
Getting Ava's baby book in and filling it out to when she arrives :)

Serious rolling. Every time I think she's flipped to head down then I feel to hard spots in a different position and I never know. Her hick up's are super intense now hah

Food Cravings?
Nothing out of the ordinary

Labor Signs?
Having Braxton Hicks and they are getting much more severe

What I’m looking forward to next week?
Finally seeing my real doctor for my 34 week appointment. I haven't seen her since Week 20 since she was on leave herself and then getting acclimated. I'll be very interested to see how she reacts to my size haha

Weekly Wisdom?
Take it easy and put your feet up. When the baby comes all you should worry about doing is sleeping, and feeding Ava (my wonderful mother in law is going to be an awesome help)

For the sake of my marriage I am so happy I have evened out haha

This Week:
Nursery is finished as far as everything needed. I just need to clear off the Hutch and make it look pretty. Both Ava and my bags are packed and in her room just hanging out waiting patiently :) I'm going to be clearing out a cabinet in our kitchen for all of her bottles and the sanitizer. We're also buying an additional storage unit for the bathroom so that we have a place to put Ava's bajillin things :) Vacuuming my car out and cleaning out my trunk to get prepared for installing the car seat and putting the stroller in the trunk. I think that's enough for one week don't you?!


  1. I can't believe how close you're getting! I don't think you're going to make it to her due date.
