Monday, November 2, 2009

Manic Monday

I feel like today was just a flash before my went by so quickly that I really didn't have time to think about much of anything other then my eyes got heavy and I felt dizzy which is how I felt on Tuesday night.

Wednesday I picked up the girls and was feeling decent and then we went to Pat O's and had a freaking blast. Seriously one of the best times I've ever had out on Bourbon.

Thursday of course I felt like crapper but we had fun. I did call it a night early and let the girlies go out but they were to tired from the night before so it was an early night.

Friday I felt like someone was sitting on my chest...true story!!!!

It got worse on Saturday while tailgating and I practically lost my voice.
Finally Saturday after the game I was able to get some phlegm up but I ended up puking because I was trying so hard..oh well.

Yesterday it finally decided to break but not enough to where I was able to get a ton out but at least I was getting some out.

Today its still breaking and I'm going to go buy some mucinex. I'm just glad that I do feel better then before because honestly I thought on Saturday I would for sure have to go to the clinic on Sunday.

Well I know some folks are trying to blog everyday in November and even though I missed yesterday I'm going to count this post as yesterdays and post again tonight with some highlights of the girls' trip with pictures....

I can't believe that not only it's November but my little cousin (I was the only grandchild for 11 years) is now 13. She's a teenager ahhhh!

But that my grandparent's will be here in 23 days folks! I'm glad that the Ole Miss game is away because it's the weekend before my grandparents get in and I want to be able to really clean the place up without rushing.

Tonight the Saints play the Falcon's at home so I'm going to get Hooters wings for Mr. B and I to have...should be fun.

Hopefully it's another early night to bed.

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