Friday, November 20, 2009

Real Housewives...

ok first off I love all of these shows (I'm a tv junkie) but come on these aren't real housewives.

What would be good is to show me having to get up and go to a mundane job and text and be on facebook on my phone and then go work out and hear the thoughts in my head about those jokers and then come home to bitch at my husband and drink by myself.

And every once in awhile get us wives together have some wine and collectively bitch about our husbands and how they don't do anything in the house or watch the kids. ....thats real folks.

But none the less I love the show. I love Jeana and will miss her terribly I really will. I don't get how all of these women are going broke...I mean I know how it happens but they knew the market and economy was slowing down so come on!!!! Bring your spending down a tad.

I dislike Tamra and Vicki so much it makes me want to gag. I want to tell Vicki listen you're not cute and you're trying to fit in with these young hotties and you can't...and Tamra get a new hair weave girl because that stringy shit you are trying to pull off isn't working.

Gretchen and Slade are a mess..I honestly don't even need to talk to them but what's great is they actually know they don't have as much money as they once had so they're being smarter about it.

And to think in the first season Slade had all this money and wanted Jo to be a stay at home wife...haha nice

It's a funny show and I loved watching last night afterwards when everyone voted on who would be the best neighbor Jeana or Vicki and 96% of people said Jeana haha I love it and then Vicki made a snotty comment about how it was skewed.

And then when they talked about how Jeana asked Vicki for money...that's fine Vicki had that right not to do that to mix business with pleasure...but when Jeana said that's ok after it aired I had a ton of people call and say you need our money it's yours...and Vicki had the audacity to to ask "well did you take it?"

That's truly none of your business sweetheart and then Jeana said heck ya! And you could tell Vicki in her head was thinking how stupid.

Well at least she's not too proud to know that she needs help you douche.

She doesn't just trample all over everyone every second she gets like you do. bleh

Anyways that's my recap of last night haha


  1. ha ha I completely love watching these shows as well! You are so rigth when you say that they are not real housewives- there is no way they can be! :) LOVE Your blog!!

  2. You just lost cool point for watching that show. J/k

    For arguments sake, I'm sure at least one housewife in the world lives like that.
