Friday, July 9, 2010

Drah Mah!

Ok I'll write my fun post later but let's get to the juicy stuff.

Ok my step mom and I don't get a long...but normally it's ok when we're around each other. She's very passive aggressive and into herself when I don't know why because she honestly offers nothing!

She doesn't like the fact that I'm my dad's daughter and the fact that he wasn't a father for so many years so he talks about how proud he is of me and his regrets...and that pisses her off.

Anyways she's rude to everyone and plays a lot of mind games...she's a snake

So Friday we have our normal family dinner we always have and she sits down at the end with the kids...I mean come on!

Well I have a sister about 19/20 and I invited her to come. So she does. She sits on my left and my dad sits on her left. And we say 'Ugly Step Mom why don't you come sit down here with the adults" but she doesn't...she chooses to alienate herself and sit with the kids and I know it's because she gets really uncomfortable around me let a lone me and my sister!

She doesn't talk much which is a freaking shocker! But we're all ok.

Saturday is my baby shower and she'll probably be late yada yada yada

She actually is again ok and buys one of the cutest dresses and shoes out of everyone. I'm shocked! Doesn't talk a ton but whatever I don't care.

Come to find out though all the kids that came were sent downstairs and weren't allowed to eat until the adults ate. Well immediately she calls up my little sister who's 8 and my aunt's daughter who's 10 and was a fantastic hostess taking drink orders etc says nicely "Oh GG says the kids have to eat last and let the adults go first" she barks back at her "Well I'm her mother and I say she can eat now" my grandma's best friend overheard this and was so angry by her tone she almost said something but told my GG later. Well we haven't told my aunt because she would call her up and go off on her like nobodies business. But seriously you're going to be a bitch to a 10 year old? She couldn't have waited an extra 20 minutes to eat when there were tons of kids playing downstairs...but that's the way my step mom is...she has to push the limits and change the rules if she didn't come up with them.

Anyways my little sister stays the night along with my aunt and her kids. The next day is my dad and ugly step mom's bbq but we have some time to hang out.

So my aunt's one daughter who's 8 comes to lay on me because she just loves to get love from everyone. Meanwhile my aunts 10 year old and the 8 year old twin and my sister are playing on the laptop in the same room.
My sister then comes over and sits on the couch with us and us 3 play a scavenger hunt game in a magazine...all is well.

We go to the party and step mom is running around like a crazy person and we say relax and have a drink.
Her family completely alienates themselves from us and we're all left to try and introduce ourselves.

Step mom hates her sister who has a 13 year old who she's never really parented and happens to be pregnant again by a little person (with whom by the way my step mom makes fun of behind their backs)...she's due 2 weeks after me.

I have met her a few times a couple of years ago but she acted like she never met me. Here I am shucking corn and working and step mom is introducing me and I say oh yah we've met a few times a couple years ago.

Then my step mom actually shocks the hell out of me...she starts saying how great I look, and I'm not showing from the back and how cute my belly is and even rubs my belly...and then she's like oh sorry I shouldn't have done that and I'm like oh no it's fine as long as it's not strangers.

That was it and we went on our way...(this came to be me a pawn in the play because she did that to piss her sister off because she never once complimented her sister and how she looked just to piss her off)

Throughout the night I would chit chat here and there when running into step mom ok.

Monday we don't see them all is well.

Tuesday she knows we're leaving and she calls my GG and starts off with what did we leave at the party etc...then starts crying and says how my little sister broke her heart because she was giving her a bath on Monday night and my sister was crying saying how it doesn't feel like I'm even her sister because I paid so much attention to my aunts daughter and not her and maybe I don't love her anymore!!!!!

And that she still likes Mr. B because he complimented her on one of her drawings (which I did too keep in mind) but right there as a parent you should diffuse the situation from the 8 year old and say "oh no honey that's not it at all...she loves you very much that's why she buys you nice things and chats with you and she tells you she loves you all the time"
but no...she egged it on!

And she proceeded to say that she would not be coming over with my brother and sister to say goodbye and my dad could come on his own and she has tried for years and years to be friendly and have a relationship and she's done with it.

She is completely THROUGH WITH ME FOR GOOD!

ok thank you I'm thrilled! My GG was in shock but just kept saying I didn't see any of that.

I knew when I heard her saying that it was about me.

So she tells me the story and I get pissed.

She calls both of my aunts and they're all like are we sure my sister didn't lie because honestly she's taking right after step mom...and everyone is mad because my dad wasn't there for me I'm more like the littler sister and daughter to my grandparents.

So everyones mad.

I text my dad and told him we'd discuss her when he got there but I'd love to see my sister and brother before I left because who knows how long it'll be.

Well he came straight from work which is close by and he hates confrontation so much and could tell he was uncomfortable but you know what it's something that had to be addressed.

He made up so many excuses...she's on her period ...listen I've never met someone have a period more then this woman ok...I mean every function always! Its for attention

Then we don't like her (my aunt and I) because when things were really bad he'd complain to us about her...I shot that down and told him no.

Then he brought up my aunt and uncle pushing her to drink and finally my GG said "what does that have to do with Mrs. B" amen!

Then I brought up their trip....they are going to see her mom in FL Nov 19th-through Thanksgiving. Of course he won't get to see his first grandchild. When this got brought up he said they'd have to switch days to which she through a huge fit....a couple of days later she was fine and said they'd move it to February.

Then she was sneaky and had her mom buy the airfare for the original dates and would ignore my GG everytime she asked about it.

I know she did that in spit of me...and heres the kicker. The sister thats due 2 weeks later yah she wants her mom to come up for the birth but she won't be able to because step mom, dad, and siblings will be visiting her in FL.

So step mom is f'n two people with babies.

I said all my dad had to do was fly down, stay 2 days, and meet her in FL...but he was all oh it as planned.

She has a 21 year old son who she thinks his shit doesn't stink. He's an nice kid but honestly never comes around for our family functions and one time at a nice club for Easter he fell asleep with his head down at the talk about disrespectful. Well I said even if he got a girl pregnant today and we had planned a family vacation you better believe she's cancel the whole trip for them or she'd stay back to go see her first grandchild and he finally agreed.

I told him she's making him and my brother and sister choose and that's not right that we don't have to be friends.

I said that she hasn't treated me right in a long time. He did say that his kids come first but I don't believe him.

I told him that I didn't want my brother and sister growing up thinking I don't love them or want to see them because that's not the case. So I tell him what she told my GG and he said that's not how it went at all.

The sister called on Monday bitching about how rude I was I didn't care to talk to her (keep in mind she didn't say shit to anybody else in my family) and then Step Mom who doesn't even like her sister gets on this deal.

Dad and SM end up screaming for 30 minutes about me and sister is in the hallway listening and just like SM comes in and goes "yah Mrs. B didn't pay attention to me either" there was no big meltdown in the bathtub like SM tried telling GG.

So my dad put the kibosh on my sister and made her go to her room. Fucking snakes!

I said with her making her comments that she's through with me she has crossed the line and I don't know what she expects to happen with the family but she has alienated herself more and my GG even said I was like a daughter to my dad which shocked me.

And I said from now on if we're in the room together I'll say hi and that's it...I will not entertain her shit and play fakey fakey like she likes to do. I am through too.

She is just so full of it and made a mole hill out of an ant pile and all of it was false too! I don't know if she really thought that my dad wouldn't tell the true story or if she really believed my family would believe her over me or what but this is seriously going to backfire.

If you are still reading you're a saint I tell you.

ugh that woman is fowl and I wash my hands now of her!~

and there's so much more over the years but honestly you get the drift

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow!! That is just crazy! I hope that your dad makes the right decision and comes to meet Ava. Crazy woman!
