Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lucky Enough...

to get a 3D image this time and I didn't even have to ask how nice. There are 3 ladies that have done my Ultrasounds the entire time and I like them all but this one I got her back when she diagnosed me with extra fluid and I have always liked her.

I was going to ask for weight then I chickened out but she immediately started measuring and I knew I would get the weight weeee

7lbs 7oz folks! Might as well just call it 7.5lbs. Oh yah my child will be about 8...actually I think my guess was 8lbs 3oz back in the day on my guessy thingy.

Then she switched to 3D which I never thought they'd do. Granted she's getting cramped so it's not as good and I don't think their machine is as high quality of going to the 3D place like we did but still good.

Her nose looks a little more like mine this time :) seriously she has some lips and cheeks on her and I'm going to love it.

She also did a 2D of her hair tee hee.

My stomach is still feeling like poop and I had to force myself to eat lunch.

Oh and I just went to the bathroom and I think I'm starting to lose my mucus plug folks! I know it could still be a week or two after I lose it but that makes me feel better since I haven't progressed any ...not even 1 more centimeter boo. But people have gone from none to baby in day so you never know.

Even the Ultrasound tech asked if we had an induction date set. My doc didn't mention it at all. But since my next appointment is at 38 weeks 5 days (if I don't go by then) I'm going to bring it up to her since I'll practically be 39 weeks and sooo be ready~ haha

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